Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lost in the Deluge

Loud claps of thunder, a dark red sky,
I wake up from my trance, as lightning flashes me by,
Large drops of rain, fighting for space,
Disturbing my thoughts, cutting them loose from the chase.

The soft whispering wind, grows heavier and louder,
My wavering thoughts are now crushed to a powder.
Perched against the downpour, with arms wide open,
I try to grab my mind, but my heart it’s stolen.

Carrying love from far away, a lonely distant voice,
Touches my lonely soul, while drowning all the noise.
A heart that feels my pangs, asking me to feel its pain,
It’s as broken as I am, tears running in each vein.

Refusing to succumb to the deluge, my eyes are shut tight,
I feel nothing but numb pain, the dark eclipses all light.
Shattered into pieces, a heartache we share,
Soft as fur inside, an iron mask on the outside we wear.

The rain that breaks our peace brings us together tonight,
We carelessly succumb to the call, giving in without a fight.
Hearts that cry alone, but smile as one in the rain,
Our incompleteness begins to fill, the sorrow too will wane.

I breathe softly but surely as I mock the thunderous sound,
I’ve lost my heart to this voice, but a new strength I have found.
The night cries itself to sleep, as the rain gives in,
Densely dark around, with a single flame burning within.