Sunday, April 13, 2008

Does Life actually Go on?

Of the lost touch of a loving father,
Of the tears she shed wishing it were all a bad dream,
Of the man she dreamt of, who would never be,
Of the heartbreak from a man, who almost was,
Of a heart too scared to love.
Will remain untold...

Of the warmth in each dream,
Of the genuine effort to reform,
Of the blood trickling down free like water,
Of the consummate pain and bitterness,
Of the fear of self-destruction,
Will never Unfold.

Life goes on, mechanically,
For the millions who don't know her,
For the millions who never will,
For those who once loved her but left,
For those whom she loved and died within in wait,
For the man, she needed the most.

Life does go On.

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