Thursday, December 6, 2007


Broken and crushed I lie here in wait,
I'm tired of this suffering, the pain and sweat.

Roses aren't for me, I can picture a wreath,
I'm stifled now, its getting hard to breathe.

I'm tired of being this way, I cant even cry,
My screams are drowned, my tears are now dry.

I'm tired of their whines, their endless grudges,
I'll live my way, not on borrowed crutches.

I'm not a toy, or a blob of clay,
Then why should I bend their way?

They say I do not feel, they fail to see me bleed,
Trying to turn me into one of them, its just their greed.

I want to walk my way, find my own religion,
If I fall and fail, it'll be my own decision.

Let me walk to my grave, don't carry me there,
I want to kiss my death, not die in despair.

I have a million options, let me be the one to choose,
I'm not their hell hole, their object of abuse.

I see a distant light, the door is open,
I will be myself, the spell is now broken!

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