Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is it criminal to change?

How many times have you had a fight with your best friend or someone extremely close to your heart and ended it saying-“You don’t need to change for me.” Lets get down to dirty reality, did you really mean it? Personally, everytime Ive said this line, I’ve let a silent sigh in my heart hoping that the other person would understand me! Its martyrdom to accept differences, suicidal to change, but there comes a time when it works more as an elixir than as a stab of poison.

A relationship grows stronger with an acceptance of different temperaments, ideologies and emotions. Often one person ends up moulding themselves too much and stifling the real person within their heart. This soft silent death of reality in a quest to keep alive a relatuionship is trulyt he defeat of the love they profess for each other. Now tell me is it better to change or to kill your true self?

Now changing doesn’t seem too bad does it?If it still does, try to look at it this way. Its growth. Remember the cycle of life,Birth,growth,death. To grow is to explore. If you never grew up, you’d srill be living in a crib, acting cranky and would die an infant death. Try looking at a plant. As it grows nurtured with care, it sheds its old leaves and undergoes a process of youthful regeneration. It changes too, but only for the better.

It is indeed inevitable to change,then why attemot to stop it? Why wallow in the depths of misery questioning it? The truth is, everytime you tell a person not to change, you yourself bend a little and make a small promise to yourself not to ever let this bother you again. Each such promise is a milestone in your journey and before you know it, you’ll reach the end turning out to be a vividly different person than the one you started out to be.

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