Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ever been in love?

If there is a feeling that can come close to the innocent exhilaration of running in the open with your arms free as a child, it is the feeling of being in love.

For the first time, for the millionth time, it doesn't matter, it's still the same.
The magic does surprisingly recur.

Maybe with a lesser intensity, maybe as ephemeral as a bubble, but it does happen!


The butterflies in the stomach, that constant whirlpool inside of you, waiting to explode, the goose-flesh, those billion thoughts that steal every waking moment, that hopeless attempt to try not to smile, the magic is always there!

Its hard to ignore it, harder to escape from it and hardest to contain it, but you somehow do, for awhile atleast, until the madness takes over!

Till then all you can do, is ride the wave, enjoy the spurt while it lasts, till by a poor stroke of luck, dark reality hits you hard between the eyes...till the magic fades away!

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